
Classes for the solvent environment overlay


class Cavity : public mrcpp::RepresentableFunction<3>

Interlocking spheres cavity centered on the nuclei of the molecule. The Cavity class represents the following function Fosso-Tande2013.

\[\begin{split} C(\mathbf{r}) = 1 - \prod^N_{i=1} (1-C_i(\mathbf{r})) \\ C_i(\mathbf{r}) = 1 - \frac{1}{2}\left( 1 + \textrm{erf}\left(\frac{|\mathbf{r} - \mathbf{r}_i| - R_i}{\sigma_i}\right) \right) \end{split}\]

where \(\mathbf{r}\) is the coordinate of a point in 3D space, \(\mathbf{r}_i\) is the coordinate of the i-th nucleus, \(R_i\) is the radius of the i-th sphere, and \(\sigma_i\) is the width of the transition between the inside and outside of the cavity. The transition has a sigmoidal shape, such that the boundary is a smooth function instead of sharp boundaries often seen in other continuum models. This function is \(1\) inside and \(0\) outside the cavity.

The radii are computed as:

\[ R_{i} = \alpha_{i} R_{0,i} + \beta_{i}\sigma_{i} \]


  • \(R_{0,i}\) is the atomic radius. By default, the van der Waals radius.

  • \(\alpha_{i}\) is a scaling factor. By default, 1.1

  • \(\beta_{i}\) is a width scaling factor. By default, 0.5

  • \(\sigma_{i}\) is the width. By default, 0.2

Public Functions

Cavity(const std::vector<mrcpp::Coord<3>> &coords, const std::vector<double> &R, const std::vector<double> &alphas, const std::vector<double> &betas, const std::vector<double> &sigmas)

Initializes the members of the class and constructs the analytical gradient vector of the Cavity.

Cavity(const std::vector<mrcpp::Coord<3>> &coords, const std::vector<double> &R, double sigma)

Initializes the members of the class and constructs the analytical gradient vector of the Cavity.

This CTOR applies a single width factor to the cavity and does not modify the radii. That is, in the formula:

\[ R_{i} = \alpha_{i} R_{0,i} + \beta_{i}\sigma_{i} \]

for every atom \(i\), \(\alpha_{i} = 1.0\) and \(\beta_{i} = 0.0\).

double evalf(const mrcpp::Coord<3> &r) const override

Evaluates the value of the cavity at a 3D point \(\mathbf{r}\).


r – coordinate of 3D point at which the Cavity is to be evaluated at.


double value of the Cavity at point \(\mathbf{r}\)

inline std::vector<mrcpp::Coord<3>> getCoordinates() const

Returns centers.

inline std::vector<double> getOriginalRadii() const

Returns radii_0.

inline std::vector<double> getRadii() const

Returns radii.

inline std::vector<double> getRadiiScalings() const

Returns alphas.

inline std::vector<double> getWidths() const

Returns sigmas.

inline std::vector<double> getWidthScalings() const

Returns betas.

Protected Attributes

std::vector<double> radii_0

Contains the unscaled radius of each sphere in #Center.

std::vector<double> alphas

The radius scaling factor for each sphere.

std::vector<double> betas

The width scaling factor for each sphere.

std::vector<double> sigmas

The width for each sphere.

std::vector<double> radii

Contains the radius of each sphere in #Center. \(R_i = \alpha_{i} R_{0,i} + \beta_{i}\sigma_{i}\).

std::vector<mrcpp::Coord<3>> centers

Contains each of the spheres centered on the nuclei of the Molecule.

auto gradCavity(const mrcpp::Coord<3> &r, int index, const std::vector<mrcpp::Coord<3>> &centers, const std::vector<double> &radii, const std::vector<double> &widths) -> double

Constructs a single element of the gradient of the Cavity.

This constructs the analytical partial derivative of the Cavity \(C\) with respect to \(x\), \(y\) or \(z\) coordinates and evaluates it at a point \(\mathbf{r}\). This is given for \(x\) by

\[ \frac{\partial C\left(\mathbf{r}\right)}{\partial x} = \left(1 - C{\left(\mathbf{r} \right)}\right) \sum_{i=1}^{N} - \frac{\left(x-{x}_{i}\right)e^{- \frac{\operatorname{s_{i}}^{2}{\left(\mathbf{r} \right)}}{\sigma^{2}}}} {\sqrt{\pi}\sigma\left(0.5 \operatorname{erf}{\left(\frac{\operatorname{s_{i}}{\left(\mathbf{r} \right)}}{\sigma} \right)} + 0.5\right) \left| \mathbf{r} - \mathbf{r}_{i} \right|} \]
where the subscript \(i\) is the index related to each sphere in the cavity, and \(\operatorname{s}\) is the signed normal distance from the surface of each sphere.

  • r – The coordinates of a test point in 3D space.

  • index – An integer that defines the variable of differentiation (0->x, 1->z and 2->z).

  • centers – A vector containing the coordinates of the centers of the spheres in the cavity.

  • radii – A vector containing the radii of the spheres.

  • width – A double value describing the width of the transition at the boundary of the spheres.


A double number which represents the value of the differential (w.r.t. x, y or z) at point r.


class Permittivity : public mrcpp::RepresentableFunction<3>

Permittivity function related to a substrate molecule and a solvent continuum. The Permittivity class represents the following function Fosso-Tande2013.

\[ \epsilon(\mathbf{r}) = \epsilon_{in}\exp\left(\left(\log\frac{\epsilon_{out}}{\epsilon_{in}} \right) \left(1 - C(\mathbf{r})\right)\right) \]
where \(\mathbf{r}\) is the coordinate of a point in 3D space, \( C \) is the cavity function of the substrate, and \(\epsilon_{in}\) and \( \epsilon_{out} \) are the dielectric constants describing, respectively, the permittivity inside and outside the cavity of the substrate.

Public Functions

Permittivity(const Cavity cavity, double epsilon_in, double epsilon_out, std::string formulation)

Standard constructor. Initializes the cavity, epsilon_in and epsilon_out with the input parameters.

  • cavity – interlocking spheres of Cavity class.

  • epsilon_in – permittivity inside the cavity.

  • epsilon_out – permittivity outside the cavity.

  • formulation – Decides which formulation of the Permittivity function to implement, only exponential available as of now.

double evalf(const mrcpp::Coord<3> &r) const override

Evaluates Permittivity at a point in 3D space with respect to the state of inverse.


r – coordinates of a 3D point in space.


\(\frac{1}{\epsilon(\mathbf{r})}\) if inverse is true, and \( \epsilon(\mathbf{r})\) if inverse is false.

inline void flipFunction(bool is_inverse)

Changes the value of inverse.

inline auto isInverse() const

Returns the current state of inverse.

inline auto getCoordinates() const

Calls the Cavity::getCoordinates() method of the cavity instance.

inline auto getRadii() const

Calls the Cavity::getRadii() method of the cavity instance.

inline auto getGradVector() const

Calls the Cavity::getGradVector() method of the cavity instance.

inline auto getEpsIn() const

Returns the value of epsilon_in.

inline auto getEpsOut() const

Returns the value of epsilon_out.

inline Cavity getCavity() const

Returns the cavity.

inline std::string getFormulation() const

Returns the formulation.

void printParameters() const

Print parameters.

Private Members

bool inverse = false

State of evalf.

double epsilon_in

Dielectric constant describing the permittivity of free space.

double epsilon_out

Dielectric constant describing the permittivity of the solvent.

std::string formulation

Formulation of the permittivity function, only exponential is used as of now.

Cavity cavity

A Cavity class instance.


class SCRF

class that performs the computation of the ReactionPotential, named Self Consistent Reaction Field.

Private Members

mrcpp::FunctionTreeVector<3> d_cavity

Vector containing the 3 partial derivatives of the cavity function.